formation intuition


Virtual training

In this 2-hour session, we explore the tumult that our thoughts generate within our minds and block us from our intuition which has the power to bring us everything we desire. This training is currently in French.

The secret to accessing it? Reduce the unnecessary noise in your head! By purchasing access to the online conference, you will also receive a participant’s workbook to integrate the information and put it into practice in your daily life. A powerful training that can, no more, no less, change the course of your life!

photo de sacha horvath

Sacha Horvath

Who am I?

So glad your path leads you to me. I am Sacha Horvath, certified therapist, M.A., CCC, speaker and your well-being is essential to me. It is my passion, my career, my motivation.

Feeling good is important and it comes from the courage to be yourself. My mission is to propel you on the path to self-love with the help of my consultations, my conferences, my virtual tools and my resource center where I offer you different packages to take care of yourself.

Looking forward to meeting you to make your well-being a priority.

conférence de sacha horvath

Courage to be yourself

Conference - training

Following the success of my conference on November 9th on the theme of INTUITION, I was eager to invite you for the sequel, a workshop-conference on the theme of COURAGE. This event will take place on Saturday, November 30th from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Jean-Després room in Gatineau, where my conference on intuition took place.

In this workshop, entitled “The Courage to Be Yourself,” we will dive into the heart of authenticity and SELF-CONFIDENCE. Designed for those seeking to fully embrace their individuality and unleash their full potential, this workshop explores the challenges and benefits of living in alignment with one’s true nature.

mini maison de sacha horvath

Tiny house - a total revitalization

A mini house that is as warm as you want, enveloping and silent to disconnect from the daily hubbub, slow down the pace, connect with nature and with yourself. A guaranteed “reset”!

sacha horvath en méditation

ConneXion Space

The ConneXion space in Wakefield was created to offer a place to meet with oneself, an invitation to delve deep within oneself.

tambour chamanique

The shamanic ceremony

No need to travel all the way to Guatemala to experience the spiritual and enriching experience of a shamanic journey! I am happy to be able to offer you an experience filled with ancestral traditions not far from home.



By Sacha Horvath
Awakening - Activate your potential

Releasing your unhealthy mental habits and replacing them with well-balanced thought patterns.

60-minute in-person consultation in my Wakefield haven or virtual with me

*Sun Life & Canada Life cover my services



By Sacha Horvath
The Connection - Give Love to Your Relationship

Every relationship eventually finds itself in a routine that fades the original flame. Give yourself the opportunity to reconnect by booking a couples consultation.

*Sun Life & Canada Life cover my services